
Students Claim to Have Found Condom in School Cafeteria Food

Condoms can be a useful find in the bedroom but they belong nowhere near a plate of food. Imagine moving your fork around the plate and then spotting a condom mixed into the meal. It’s bound to get you gagging in disgust.

Students in a vocational school in Guangzhou were eating at a school cafeteria when they came across a circular, partially transparent object in the food. In a video shared by Chinese social media Weibo, a student explained that he was munching on roasted duck when he saw the object.

The students believed that the foreign object found in the food was a condom. If the students’ theory is accurate, dirty work didn’t just consist of doing the dirty dishes in this school kitchen.

The food discovery was made during a training period and on the the sixth day of training, a few students found plastic objects in their food. The Guangzhou vocational school released a statement stating that all of the kitchen employees have been punished with a pay deduction. The chef has been expelled and won’t be returning to cook another meal.

A team responded to investigate the situation by tracing of the source of raw materials and trying to uncover possible mistakes made in the canteen processes. Condoms sneaking into the school food is never a good reflection on the institution. The school made an announcement that the object was “duck’s eyeball membrane.”

A student found it difficult to accept the claim about the object being a duck’s eyeball membrane since there is a huge difference between an animal part and a condom. The student also argued that there were no testing done to back up the school’s claim.

Due to the insufficient evidence, the student hopes that his meal credits will be refunded and that the sanitation practices will be upgraded.

Guangzhou’s Market Supervision and Administration Bureau stated that the canteen has been ordered to shut its operations. Authorities are also keeping a close eye on the health and safety of the students.

Source: https://weibo.com/2609712434/Napi9kWwk