
Travelers Lost After TSA Declares Peanut Butter as a Liquid

Before the carry-on bag gets zipped, U.S. travelers may need to place the peanut butter into a clear ziplock bag to avoid having it taken away by the airport security officers.

In a tweet by the TSA, they announced an update to the rules: “You may not be nuts about it, but TSA considers your PB a liquid. In carry-on, it needs to be 3.4oz or less. Make sure all your travel-sized liquids fit in one quart-sized bag. #PeanutButter

If you love the peanut butter spread, you might need to start tossing out the body washes and shower gels to make room for this item. Most hotels can provide basic toiletries so it’s not the end of the world.

The minor inconvenience is puzzling to the travelers who can protest that the PB isn’t a liquid. However, the TSA makes it clear that “a liquid has no definite shape and takes a shape dictated by its container.”

A user pushed back by replying: “So you’re saying sand is a liquid? As well as carbon dioxide? What about 100 tiny pebbles? Those all have no definite shape, with their shape being dictated by their container.”

Another questioned: “So what if it’s on a sandwich?”

Although a lot of passengers are taken aback by the modified rule, there is one group of travelers who will not protest this change: people with nut allergies.

Source: https://twitter.com/TSA/status/1638225969088540673