
Website Offers $1,000 to Watch Animated Barbie Movies

With the upcoming release of the anticipated live-action Barbie film, a resurgence of the doll is making waves. Everyone is hoping on the Barbie trend, including a Canada-based website, which is offering to pay someone $1,000 to watch and review all 16 animated Barbie movies.

Casino.ca is looking for an applicant for “Barbie’s Dream Job,” which will be paid $1,000 to watch the 16 animated movies. The films, released between 2001 and 2009, will then be ranked by quality so everyone can know which movie is the best.

The winner will also receive an additional $50 to see “Barbie,” starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, when it releases in theaters July 21, 2023. This live-action version will also be ranked among its animated predecessors.

“For those who grew up in the 90s and 2000s, the original Barbie movies represent a nostalgic, simpler time,” the website said. “Were you were the Barbie buff who owned every iteration of the iconic doll and saw every movie?

“Or were you the annoying sibling who popped Barbie’s head off, but secretly loved the films? Either way, there’s no denying these cinematic gems hold a significant place in Millennial and Gen Z history.”

Applications for this position closed on July 16, 2023, so the lucky winner will be informed shortly.

Source: https://www.casino.ca/barbie-dream-job/