Gun Shot for This Sexy Bum

Sometimes people just have too much time on their hands leading to a dramatic turn of events....

Going to Jail for a Selfie

Next time you have a sip of alcohol, make sure you’re not too far gone, otherwise, you...

Woman Catches Neighbor Stealing Furniture

When moving into a new home, many questions are left up in the air. What’s mostly...

Strippers for the Seniors

Seniors are sick of board games, bingo, and routine tea breaks. They desire a more lively form...

Family Brawl With a Side of Chinese Takeout

Having a family argument over Chinese food is probably not the best way to go. A beef with...

Drunk Man Spikes Marathon Water! | Weekly News Medley

In this “Weekly News Medley”, we’re exposing funny, stupid and weird viral...

Robot Ignores Caution Tape to Deliver Food

Food delivery robots have become a popular way to bring meals to individuals but in no way are...

The Birth of Cabbage Patch Kids

The labor room for deliveries is filled with bodily fluids and high emotions. If you want to...

Man Locked Out of His Car by Tesla

Electric vehicles have brought forth a change in the automobile industry. Tesla has been...

Queen’s Funeral After Party at a Nightclub

While the British citizens remained quiet to mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II, a nightclub...

Highway Becomes Littered With Dildos and Lube

With more trucks on the road, more and more accidents are bound to happen. The most recent...

Teacher Abuse for Poor Marks

The tables have flipped in an Indian school where the students teach the teacher a lesson. Why...

Customer Tips $3,000 Then Regrets It

Tipping is accustomed across North America and is often a great way to show the waitstaff what...

Vendor Urinates on Vegetables Before Selling Them

When purchasing vegetables, most people have turned to buying from local vendors over grocery...

Earthquake Interrupts Parliament Meeting

Mother Nature answers the dilemma that lawmakers face: Is it worth paying for earthquake...

Irritated Passenger Punches Plane Seats

Traveling can be hectic for anyone but it doesn’t mean you have to take out that...

Penis Gummies Anyone?

Political campaigns should be executed with extra care and caution. Voters shouldn’t get...

Company Monitors Employees’ Bathroom Breaks

Using the bathroom at work gives employees a chance to take a break without being spied on. A...

Dine In Sorrow With 9/11 Food Menu

Some people are emotional eaters who can swallow down food in seconds as a way to cope and...

Google Mistakenly Gives Out $250,000

Sending over $200,000 to a random person and not caring too much about getting it back is...

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